Booksharing in local coffee shops
Discover, share, and exchange books with fellow readers in your city, while enjoying a free coffee for every book you bring
Booksharing in local coffee shops
Discover, share, and exchange books with fellow readers in your city, while enjoying a free coffee for every book you bring
Bookme transforms the way
connect with books, people,
coffee in your local cafes
  • Access to a Wide Variety of Books
    Many book lovers may not have access to a diverse range of books. Bookme allows users to find and borrow books from other people within their city, expanding their reading options.
  • Social and Community Engagement
    Bookme encourages book lovers to connect with each other and build a community around their shared love for reading. By facilitating book exchanges in coffee shops, the app creates opportunities for people to meet, discuss books, and form friendships or reading clubs.
  • Cost-Effective Reading
    Buying books can be expensive, and not everyone can afford to purchase new books regularly. Bookme provides a cost-effective alternative by allowing users to borrow books for free or by exchanging books they already own for new ones. This helps users save money while still enjoying a good read.
  • Sustainability and Book Recycling
    The app promotes the reuse and recycling of books, contributing to a more sustainable reading culture. Instead of books gathering dust on shelves or being discarded, bookme allows users to share their books with others who are interested, reducing waste and promoting a greener approach to reading.
Personalize your profile and select preferred coffee shop locations within the city.
Create an account
Browse available books
Explore a wide selection of books available for sharing. Search for specific books that match your interests.
Request a book
Request the book in the app and cafe's administrator will receive a notification to approve the request.
The book exchange
Select a convenient coffee shop from the bookme partner locations, where the book will be available for pick-up.
How it works
During your pick-up and while enjoying new literary adventure, you can also support the café by purchasing a coffee.
Enjoy the book and coffee
Earn free coffee
Finish you book and list it back on the app to share with others. Upload your review about the book and the coffee shop where it will be available for pick-up.
Build connections
Through book exchanges and coffee shop meet-ups, bookme creates a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for reading.
Join bookme today