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It's totally free
on a powerful
low-code software engine
flexible infrastructure for business automation
customized business modules and AI-powered analytics
seamless connection to every and all 3rd party software
minimized system legacy-related risks
Prototype your system for free
visual control panel ensuring system's transparency
Trood is a product development platform with a lean, yet limitless product creation approach, ensuring up to 90% more resource-efficient production, fully-scalable architecture and constant, AI-supported evolution.
How it works
To layout the project on the right basis and deploy the optimal architecture from the very beginning - use our free configuration service.
Once you're done with configuration and hit the «submit» button, the system processes the data to construct your prototype. Through the user interface, you can adjust configuration, specify additional details, apply AI recommendations and launch the development, which is undertaken automatically.
You get your system delivered to you in weeks, instead of months, supported with all the necessary documentation and AI as if you had a very experienced business analyst in your team, and without any traditional low-code limitations that enable to add any user apps to the whole infrastructure in days or even hours.
Have an idea? Get it done!
Have an idea? Get it done!
How it works
To layout the project on the right basis and deploy optimal architecture from the very beginning - use our free configuration service.
Once you're done with configuration and hit the «submit» button, the system processes the data to construct your prototype. Through the user interface, you can adjust configuration, specify additional details, apply AI recommendations and launch the development, which is undertaken automatically.
You get your system delivered to you in weeks, instead of months, supported with all the necessary documentation and AI as if you had a very experienced business analyst in your team, and without any traditional low-code limitations that enable to add any user apps to the whole infrastructure in days or even hours.
faster than building a system
from scratch
more cost effective than
hiring it-enguneers
faster than building a system
from scratch
Every aspect of your system made visual
With Enterprise Manager (EM) you are able to achieve maximum transparency both in the business and tech sides of your system.
Raw data is turned to business language;
Customized AI-powered analytics and reporting;
Integrated marketplace for adding functionality
Empowered with Trood technologies
Enterprises apply Trood-powered digital transformation, ensuring up to 90% more resource-efficient production, fully-scalable architecture and constant, AI-supported evolution, due to:
Trood Core
Out-of-the-box tools for building effective DevOps architecture based on using pre-built business modules. Significantly reduces time to market and allows you to manage your product with a single person and without legacy risks.
Integrations & Marketplace
Rapid, open-ended integration capabilities are embedded into your product architecture. Without the limitations typically caused by low-code development, Trood enables to add any user apps to the whole infrastructure in days or even hours.
Trood Cloud
Unified controlling and monitoring system for any SaaS cloud infrastructure
Data Analysis
Unified controlling and monitoring system for any SaaS cloud infrastructure, ensuring out-of-the-box: Scaling, CI/CD, Workload monitoring, Custom Deployments, Billing, Security.
Prototype your system configuration for free
Prototype your system configuration for free

How Businesses
have been successful with Trood.

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