It usually takes many efforts from emerging businesses to handle tech obstacles, especially in the case of introducing unique products. Find out how one of such unique idea cases overcame the gravity and entered the international market, receiving the support of large accelerators and becoming a leader in its segment.

Bino is a new generation platform for managing and automating business audits and field research projects. Using the database with hundreds of templates of checklists, oriented to different types of business, the platform allows you to launch and configure field research campaigns with your minimum effort and reducing the cost by 60%.In the beginning, Bino's goals were to create a multifunctional system that would allow combining functionality for several user roles. Depending on the role, the system was required to create projects, train mystery shoppers, monitor the campaign in real-time, generate custom reports, as well as financial transactions.
A compromise solution, when part of the functionality could be implemented using third-party services, would significantly reduce the operational and economic efficiency of the entire business. In fact, with this format, it all started in Bino, but the development of the product very quickly came up against the limitations of spreadsheets and other popular solutions.

The creation of a unified platform with deep automation became a necessity for the growth of financial indicators and the question arose for the company: How to get to the point of a complete product in the fastest way and at the lowest cost, at the same time ensuring: a) All functional needs are satisfied b) It is not required hiring additional employees and wasting funds into its maintenance c) It's easy to manage and has no restrictions in the further development and modernization.
Trood's product development approach based on pre-built business modules with the possibility of their customization and further AI-guided modernization turned out to be the only solution that matched all the requirements.
By themselves, pre-built business modules significantly reduce time, and therefore resources for writing code from scratch, while they are created in the most convenient way for further management and expansion on the way.

It took 1 day for Bino founders to implement their product vision to a prototype and another 4 weeks of Trood-powered development to get their system deployed at their full control.