Get on Top of Your Personality
AI-Precise Personal Growth Program Matching
Hundreds of developers grown with us, thousands of Community Members are becoming better professionals and realize their potential with us.

Now inside Trood Community we have a scope of professionals and services, helping to figure out

What do you really want to achieve
What are your obstacles today
What is your actionable plan
  • Tech Skills

    Get a personalized course, and internship, or a tech mentor
  • Self Presentation

    Work with the best public speaking coaches, PR/GR advisors, to become the brightest person in the room of any suze
  • Emotional Intelligence

    Overcome internal gravity and be the best possible version of who you are, no matter what's up outside
  • Something else

    Just browse, learn, meet, and enjoy, by the others and by yourself!
  • Smart recommendation algorithm
    We talk to you, we recognize you, we match you
  • Learn from the Community, or work 1:1 with experts
    Reading materials, references, group communication, and the ability to book an individual session
  • The Launchpad is free!
    You pay only directly to providers of paid services, if you want to
Community Experts and Services
Lisa Patti
A good old stretch to set you up for the rest of the week. Suitable for all skills.
See more
Tel-Ran School of Programming
Strengthen the muscles and focus on bringing you back to balance.
The Concept
It started when couple therapy project appeared in Trood Community.
We realized that couple therapy, individual therapy, and therapy in general, is what we all need to grow.
Then our team leaders noticed, that they can skip looking into interns' code in some cases just looking into into interns' eyes.

Then we worked with lots of coaches and trainers, and welcomed new therapy apps in the Community.

And we always strived to bring as much value to Trood People as possible.

And now we have the amazing thing.