Trood Contracts
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Here at Trood Contracts we are helping startups and young businesses find and recruit talent. As a developer or other IT professional, here you can discover the next project to work on or find a dream team to join!
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Currently you can select from Development, Citizen-development, Marketing and PR specializations.
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Front-end development
Back-end development
Mobile development
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Trood core developer
— Access available tasks & projects
— Personal account validation up to 1hr
— Full access to Trood Core low-code framework
— Support replies within 1hr
Per month
Trood Core is a powerful
low-code backend framework + hosting
Rapid, open-ended integration capabilities are embedded into your product architecture. Without the limitations typically caused by low-code development, Trood enables to add any user apps to the whole infrastructure in days or even hours.
Get free access to various project opportunities and master them efficiently with Trood Core – a powerful product development tool kit
Trood Core is a powerful low-code backend framework + hosting, allowing you to constantly avoid routine on dealing with repetitive yet vital product development layers.
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